Reiki Trainings

Reiki TrainingCertificates

Level 1 – Sunday, July 10
Ignite Yoga Center in Livingston, NJ

Sunday, July 10, 10:00-4:00 pm
New students $125 • Refresher $40
Open to all – whether you are new to Reiki or are a Reiki practitioner who would like a refresher in the training and a re-attunement.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe Japanese technique that balances the body’s own energy to promote healing, help reduce stress and aid in pain relief. When the body is in a state of relaxation it has the opportunity to heal itself physically and on a mental level. Reiki is a non-invasive, gentle, hands-on touch relaxation system that anyone can learn. You can practice the gift of Reiki on yourself, others, pets, and plants.

Mikao UsuiReiki Level One
Certifiation in Reiki Level 1 will attune you to the universal energy. You will learn about the history and the concept of Usui Reiki Ryoho, Energy Fields, Chakras and the Aura. There will be instruction and guidelines for providing a Reiki session to someone else and how to self-treat with Reiki.

Reiki Level Two
If you choose to deepen your knowledge and strengthen your energy with a Certification in Reiki Level 2 you will receive a second attunement and learn to send Reiki energy through space and time in order to heal from a distance. Reiki Level 1 training with Rosalind is a pre-requisite for this training.

Reiki Symbol

Trainings include printed material. Certificates will be presented to those completing their Reiki training for the first time

Ignite LogoPreRegister by contacting Roz phone or text 973.769.1227  / email
OR Daniele by phone or text 973-865-5668 / email

Ignite Yoga Center is located at
19 South Livingston Avenue, Livingston, NJ 07039